Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Positivity through 4 Words - Toastmaster's World Championship 1st Runner Up, Kwong Yue Yang

Interesting speech from Toastmaster's World Championship second-place winner, Kwong Yue Yang, ACS, ALB, of Guangzhou, China, who gave a speech titled, "Four Words."

There's a twist half-way through this seemingly negative 8-minute speech that changed "I Told You So" into "Everything's Gonna Be Okay".

Sometimes being Right is NOT always Right.

Fellow teachers, this sharing could serve to remind us to stay positive (Joyfulness) and humble (Humility) even when we are at our wit's end.

Enjoy the speech and hope you can share with us your takeaway from it.

Character Definitions:
Joyfulness (vs. self-pity) = Maintaining a good attitude, even when faced with unpleasant conditions.
Humility (vs. pride) = Acknowledging that my achievement results from the investment of others in my life.

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