Monday, December 16, 2013

Ms Julaila Osman from REAL Kids TTDI - The Journey of Teaching

Ms Julaila from REAL Kids TTDI during CPCD Contest 2013 on the speech titled, "The Journey of Teaching".
The seed transformation I plant will yield a bountiful harvest. And this is what motivates me to stay in this field.
Why do you teach? 
Because I want to learn the lesson the children are here to teach me. We laugh out loud, we play hard. To cry, but not too long. I want to learn from the children to pick myself up, brush myself off and get right back into the game. I want to learn the lesson to eat only when I’m hungry, to take a nap when I am tired. To drink plenty of water.

How did it begin?
I came to be a teacher not by choice but by circumstances. I did not choose to be a teacher, the profession chose me; because of gender, family history and education. My journey as a teacher began In 1997 when I became interested in my children’s education. That’s when I resigned from my Post Office job and took RM300 per month to join my son’s preschool as a Teacher!

"When I started teaching, I asked myself what words I can use to encourage the children, what can I do to help all the children to make a loving and extraordinary day. I hope I can help each child to become his or her most excellent person."

What do you believe in?
I strongly believe that children are children, and I am the champion of their rights to have the experience of childhood. We must make sure they have good education and solid foundation for their future. We should allow the kids to express their creative geniuses because I believe each person is born with talent.

Is it easy to be a teacher?
Being a teacher is not easy. Sometimes we got to be monkey, tiger or mouse just so children can be happy to learn and grow. Most people do not know how hard you worked before each class. We made a fool of ourselves and many a day was unappreciated.

How do you teach?
When I teach, I will tell the children about myself. I allowed them not to just know me as their teacher but as a person.  My students can talk about anything with me.
Children love to be teachers. I’ll gather them in a circle so they can address their classmates and not direct their comments exclusively to the teacher. And when we form a circle, they can look around and speak to everyone.

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