Friday, February 21, 2014

Have Mercy On Me - Mrs Rajen - R.E.A.L Kids Cyberjaya

Mrs Rajen gave us a controversial speech on Have Mercy on Me during Toastmasters Session on 18th Feb 2014.
Mrs Rajen opted a controversial topic for her 3rd Toastmaster's Project. She talked about Euthanasia, the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.

She shared with us on the pros and cons of the practice and urged us to decide on our own whether or not we approve the practice.

Personally for her, she experienced the agony her late mother-in-law went through when her mother-in-law was diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer. All she could do was to stand there watching her tears run down her face and there's nothing she could do to ease her mother-in-law's pain. 

Pros of Euthanasia:
1. Relief from painful time.
2. Relief from low quality of life.
3. Conversion of medical fund to something else. 
Eg: when doctor's diagnosis is that the patient will certainly die in 3-6 months, would it not be better to pass the medical fund to another patient that could be healed with that same medical fund?

Cons of Euthanasia:
1. Value of life. What is the value of a mosquito's life? How is that comparable to that of a human?
2. Execution. 
3. Doctors are healers, not killers.

What do you think of Euthanasia? Please note that there are different Euthanasia Laws in each country. 

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