Monday, January 18, 2016

Dedication to Help Kids Learn through Multiple Intelligence (MI) - Pn Razmah Dahlan from R.E.A.L Kids Wangsa Melawati

Privileged to meet Principal Ms Gina (R.E.A.L Kids Suria) and Principal Pn Razmah (R.E.A.L Kids Wangsa Melawati) during KPI Visit on 22nd Dec 2015.
What is dedication to serve in education industry? I do not know for sure. But Pn Razmah opened my eyes to see it from one perspective - she traveled daily from Semenyih to Wangsa Melawati to run a preschool she believes in, R.E.A.L Kids Wangsa Melawati, where Multiple Intelligence is practiced under Ms Esther Yong's leadership.

Do you know that your kids can learn most effectively when guided with their inborn intelligence?
I'm sure most of us have heard stories of how teachers manage to get kids attention by playing music. But have you heard of special cases whereby a Special Kid was able to stay focused when you give her a book to read by herself? This special kid later proved to be outstanding under Pn Razmah's patient guidance. She turned out to be self-smart! What happened was, all children were coached to perform their parts during an upcoming Concert. Towards the event date, suddenly there was an unanticipated change of venue. Every child was stunned and was not able to perform as practiced during the event with the exception of this little girl. She turned out to love the surprises and she danced and sang like a fairytale princess, fully utilizing her new stage. Her mother was so impressed!

Another instance Pn Razmah shared was another self-smart or Intrapersonal child she guided when she was a teacher. Little did Pn Razmah know that Little B is actually very active and good at impersonation at home. She was so surprised when Little B's grandmother shared with her that Little B sat grandma at a little desk back at home, flipped her exercise book and repeated the entire session Razmah taught back at school. She was playing the role of a Teacher at the tender age of 5. She imitated even Razmah's slang, gestures and every single word she said. So fellow teachers, please do not assume that the quiet little child in your class is a slow learner. You'll be surprised how smart they actually are.

A final note I caught in Pn Razmah's office before I bid her thank you and goodbye for her warm hospitality during KPI visit, I found it interesting and had taken a picture of it here for us to ponder.

Ability is what you're capable of doing; Motivation determines what you do; Attitude determines how well you do it.

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