Monday, December 16, 2013

Ms Villona from REAL Kids Kajang Prima - A Great Change

Ms Villona from REAL Kids Kajang Prima during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "A Great Change".
Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. - Aristotle. 

Ms Villona shared with us the beautiful change she witnessed in a girl under her care who initially could not read and could not write. And guess what changed the little girl? And how did the little girl change?

Villona took the challenge to educate the little girl patiently when the little girl's mother expressed her disappointment with her education. Ms Villona made an effort to everyday approached the little girl, praised her, told her she's a good girl and a clever girl. Occasionally Ms Villona gave her some stickers

That later paid off when the little girl was willing to come to Ms Villona for help. Ms Villona just kept quiet and listened to her. She told Ms Villona that her grandfather was admitted to hospital and she wanted to make him happy. But she did not know how. Ms Villona suggested, "Maybe you can tell him stories or sing songs with him. Trust me, that will make him happy."

The little girl really did what Ms Villona suggested and read to his grandfather by the bed and what happened was a miracle to the family. Doctor earlier suggested that her grandfather can only live for another 1 week but he survived for another 1 month. What made the real difference was that he was actually happy till the last day he was alive.

What shocked them more was what the little girl did when they paid their last respect to her grandfather at his funeral. It was touching when the little girl sent her message to his coffin. She put a card and wrote a message that she loves him. Not only that, but she put a drawing she made, drawing her grandfather's hand holding her hand. She was not only able to read and write now but she was able to express her feelings through her drawings.

PS: This is not the little girl's drawing.

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