Friday, December 27, 2013

Professional Working Mum Turned Preschool Teacher

Are you currently a high-flying career woman with young children?

Is your child growing uninterested in his preschool and started to behave emotionally remote to learning?
Have you ever cried in your car after sending your child off to school feeling a growing emotional distance with your child?

Where had the good times gone to?

Remember the time his Art Teacher came to you genuinely concerned about his life at home? Simply because of the morbid colors he used in his artwork. Only to find out that his friends took all the other colors and he was left with the morbid colors to play with.. And the moment you both laughed together with your cheeks still wet.

If only his preschool teachers were as gifted as you when it comes to communicating with your child..

That was when she decided to make a career change and took a pay cut from a handsome 5-figure to a meager 3-figure monthly paycheck.
All for the sake of her lovely boy. And the other children she could give her time and attention to. So their mummies and daddies can have some peace at work.

(Special dedication to a career mum who made a huge sacrifice to her lifestyle privileges for the benefits of her son and many other children. I'm personally impressed with her enthusiasm to create an impact and NOT a legacy. Something I could use some time to figure as I continue this journey of life.)

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