Friday, February 21, 2014

When North Meets South - Shabeena - R.E.A.L Kids Putrajaya

Ms Shabeena gave us an icebreaker speech titled When North Meets South during Toastmasters Session on 18th Feb 2014.
Do you know Shabeena as a friend? As a Principal? Or as a person learning and growing as she explores her journey in Education?

Why the topic "When North Meets South"? Because her father came from the northern part of Peninsular Malaysia while her mother came from the Southern part. Boom there she is, a new life cast to this new found world of ours.

She grew up a quiet and reserved child in a family of 3 siblings, with her being the eldest sister taking care of her 2 baby brothers. Never she knew she could have leadership qualities until Standard 4 in Primary School when she was picked to be a prefect. Things changed 360° and she began to have confidence in herself and grew outspoken. Teachers noticed her and put her into competitions. 

Later on she decided not to be a prefect anymore because she hated the meetings and not having the normal recess hours. She then participated in various debate contests and spelling competitions, representing her Convent Girl School.

So much for the serious credentials yea? Guess what? Shabeena also shared with us on her cheeky side. Despite being a mother of 2 (5 & 3 year old kids) now, she enjoys hanging out with her brother for weekend shopping! She especially cherished her time with her brother now since she lost another brother over an unforeseen sickness some time ago. Last occasion she spent with her ailing brother, she managed herself positively and spoke of fond moments together. It was a time when her 3 siblings were crazy about an English Tech Movie, they secretly sliced the mattress at home and poured jugs of water in to make water bed! It was sad her ailing brother had to go, and he wasn't even able to smile or laugh recollecting their fond memories together. However Shabeena took it positively and she's only growing stronger and more positive after his passing.

Let's celebrate our time with Shabeena as the Principal for R.E.A.L Kids Putrajaya. From a quiet and reserved child who got bullied by a pair of twins in preschool--whom later turned best friends, clueless of being bullied and loved still to go to her kindergarten; to a loving sister and mother who is leading her center to provide education and care to other parents' little cute monsters!   

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