Thursday, September 25, 2014

Maggie of Chavara Thekkumbhagam - Teacher Frances from R.E.A.L Kids Kampung Tunku

Amazing storyteller, Teacher Frances brought us into the realm of her story within just the first 30 seconds of her speech. Of how Maggie from Chavara Thekkumbhagam in 1919 had lived meagerly and later passed on her legacy and survival traits to her 5 girls and 1 boy. Of how her simple character quality of Thriftiness had passed on to one of her daughter and allowed she and her family a better head-start for good living in Malaysia.

Thriftiness - Allowing myself and others to spend only what is necessary.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Because of R.E.A.L - Teacher Akram from R.E.A.L Kids Bukit Jelutong

What is it like being a teacher with R.E.A.L Kids Bukit Jelutong?
What if you have the passion, the right character and the required skills but lack in your communication skill?

Do you stand a chance to work for us while you develop your career to better heights?

Teacher Akram would be the best person to vouch for this. He shared with us how R.E.A.L had transformed him into a better teacher for better opportunities today.

Teacher Akram first joined R.E.A.L School Cahaya as an Assistant Swim Coach and later applied to R.E.A.L Kids Bukit Jelutong as a Swim Coach. He faced tough challenges at the beginning because he had difficulty communicating confidently in English with both our kids and our parents. But with the right attitude and character, coupled with patient colleagues including our dear admin Ms Carol, he was encouraged to pick up the language diligently.

Today, Teacher Akram is not only confident to communicate in English to our parents and kids but he has also discovered his verbal & linguistic talent in picking up some other languages! Teacher Akram could proudly speak to native speakers a couple of lines in Mandarin, Tamil & even Russian. He might not be able to communicate in flawless English but he definitely showed enough joy and enthusiasm when he took the effort to speak to kids and some of our parents in their mother tongues. It made their day and we do hope Teacher Akram will continue to inspire other aspiring teachers to transform for the better with R.E.A.L.

If you're interested to kickstart your career as Assistant Teacher with R.E.A.L Kids Bukit Jelutong, kindly contact 03-5631 8000 Recruitment Team or email your resume to 

Finding Beauty Through Positivity - Teacher Zulfah from R.E.A.L Kids Ampang

Teacher Zulfah is optimistic about everybody's role in life. No matter what her job level or the pressure she's experiencing, she is grateful that she's sent here for a purpose connecting to her creator.

Pointing to a glass of water, she shared with us that it isn't about how much water the glass holds but how much it is able to quench our thirst. To understand how much water we need for our body and be grateful is the key to finding this beauty in living.

Sometimes she would vent her frustrations to her god, but she will still get back to work the next day. You probably would know the frustrations if you had experienced trying to help a 6-year-old who has zero knowledge on ABC or 123 to learn.

Life isn't perfect. Nobody and not one job is perfectly positive. But she would try to surround herself with positive people and talk about positive things. Otherwise she is trying her very best to be optimistic herself.

She also reminded us that we are responsible for our own future, success or failure.

Albert Einstein was only able to talk at age 4 and able to read at age 7. He was even a dropout before. But who is he today?

And what did Oprah Winfrey undergo before reaching the heights of a iconic host today?

It is our attitude and not our aptitude that determines our success.

If you are interested to work as a Mandarin Class Teacher with R.E.A.L Kids Ampang, kindly contact Recruitment Team at 03-5631 8000 or email your resume to