Sunday, January 25, 2015

Past, Present & Future - Sharenjit

"The past makes us who we are today, and the present reflects our future." - Sharenjit Kaur.

Sharen shared with us her inspiring transformation back from her high school days till today. She used to be a quiet, shy and unmotivated girl at 17 and what changed her?

The magic ingredient according to Sharen is, CHANGE.

She recognized at that point that she had a desire. A desire to be noticed, a desire to be taken seriously and a desire to be The Sharen she wants to be. It did not happen over night with sprinkle of forces upon her and there she turned confident and outspoken. She worked very hard and consciously put in lots of effort to make changes. To Sharen, once you notice you have a desire to change how the world sees you, you have to dissect your patterns and amend them deliberately to alter the outcomes.

In reality, she forced herself to always raise hand to ask questions during lectures in order to break herself free from not speaking up. She eventually got called "the girl who always have questions" but it did not perturb her. For she knows she wants to be noticed and she wishes only to develop herself further. Then on she started volunteering to go on stage to offer public speaking to build her confidence.

Today, all we see in Sharen is someone confident and composed. If only she never mentioned about her past, it never came across us that she used to be shy and less physically attractive as she is currently. To Sharen, it is the past that makes us the person we are today, cherish your past; who you are and what you do today will reflect your future. 

To end her ice breaker speech, Sharen shared with us her desire to blossom into an even more attractive woman by sharing a photo of a goddess walking out of pool. She wanted us to bare witness her challenge to herself to live a fitter and healthier lifestyle to embody the physique of the woman she too desires to become.

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