Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Positive Reinforcement, Upskilling and Basic Yoga Makes A Good Teacher - Teacher Joy from R.E.A.L Kids Puchong Jaya

Children are different these days. The chalk, talk & desk method is no longer suitable for kids of this era. I always feel that we need to upgrade ourselves with new skills in our handling with children of different intelligences.

I kept myself updated by attending various trainings and courses such as PTM (Persatuan Tadika Malaysia), church parenting courses and many other intensive courses on how to handle children and communicating with parents of this era. This has boosted my confidence & self-esteem in my profession. 

In my day to day interaction with children, I integrate games, activities, different teaching approaches with positive interactions and not forgetting to be firm in dealing with undesirable behaviours.

In addition to that, I used to teach poorer students in the suburbs, where the needs of the parents were different in comparison to R.E.A.L Kids parents who are well educated & knowledgeable about matters concerning their child’s education. This makes it even more important for me to further my studies in Early Childhood Education to engage with the children & parents better.

I experienced that by using puppets, hand signs, body language and playing music softly while the children are doing their work are various methods to attract the children’s attention and it helps to calm them down as well. Sometimes after gym, swimming or music lessons which got them all hyped up, I would use slow breathing exercises, sit down and cross their legs, close their eyes, hands laid on their laps and count to 10. Even blowing an imaginary balloon is good exercise for their lungs as well as having fun with the activity. 

Two of the most memorable moments for me would be firstly when I successfully completed my diploma in ECE just a year ago. I believe that my perseverance, diligence, experienced lecturers & team mates got me through this journey. The other memorable moment for me would be the joy of being able to lead my 2010 class to achieve a higher standard in their reading skills in BM & Eng as compared to my other classes in the previous years. I received a lot of appreciation and acknowledgements from the parents at the end of the year for my efforts in helping their children.

Using positive reinforcement such as awarding a star or smiley face sticker to reinforce good behaviour and when they attain 5 stars, I will award them with a simple gift like a pencil, eraser etc. Be it for their reading achievements, good behaviour or caring & sharing act.

I strongly believe that every teacher who handles a child should have some form of formal training to help them in developing a holistic child. Otherwise handling children wrongly can have a strong negative impact on the child in the long run.

Sometimes in class I have to put on many hats to impress, entertain or even just to be like one of the kids. Once I have succeeded in gaining their trust & respect, delegating duties to them during snack time, collection of books, handing out art materials, discipline & classroom management becomes easily manageable. I give chance to the weaker ones to perform tasks around the classroom as it builds their confidence and social skills with their friends.

Written by Teacher Joy

The Love for Children Will Come - Teacher Gana from R.E.A.L Kids Puchong Jaya

"The love for children will come if you have the patience and kindness because the children are so innocent." - Teacher Gana from R.E.A.L Kids Puchong Jaya.

Teacher Gana is not the first preschool teacher that has come from a corporate background. Tthe reason behind why some of these teachers that decided to pursue a career in early childhood education never cease to amaze us and that is motherhood. 

“I wanted to teach my own children. I could not just sit around the house and do nothing. Therefore I enrolled myself to pursue a Diploma in Montessori. Thereafter, I ran my own kindergarten for 10 years. It was a very small self independent kindergarten that I managed alongside my sister and a helper. After making the decision to sell off the business, I stayed home for a short period of time to look after my aging mother-in-law. After some time, I felt restless and staying at home was starting to be very energy-sapping and that was when I came across an ad in the newspaper that was looking for kindergarten teachers. This was my beginning with R.E.A.L Kids."

If you think that managing a class full of preschoolers is easy, you might need to think again. Teacher Gana shared with us some of the challenges that are involved in managing preschoolers that she has encountered over the years teaching in R.E.A.L Kids. “Handling the parents is more challenging than the children at times. The children are happy in your classes but their parents could think otherwise. They have high expectations of the teachers and expect results from their children’s learning growth in areas such as reading and writing. Unlike the Western culture, Asian cultured parents have the tendency to be fairly academically driven. Classes are organized in such a way that each class would have a variety of levels of children but all of the same age. There are times where you struggle with time in guiding the slower ones to catch up with the class. This is where you would have to identify the stronger children and teach them to assist their weaker classmates. You’ll be surprised as to how children can sometimes learn better from their peers. We also get the stronger students to learn through puzzles and building blocks while we are occupied with guiding the weaker ones. Another challenge that I have encountered as a teacher is handling very active children. There are always a few children who are unique in character in a class. How do you handle them then? Some of these children are very smart and energetic. For example, I had this one boy who was very cheeky. I had placed the sweet drinks very high up on a cupboard and while I was attending to the other children, he was cheekily stacking chairs up to climb up and retrieve the drink. I had to run up to him and told him nicely that he could not have the sweet drinks now and that he had to be patient. Sometimes you have to explain nicely to the quieter and more timid children that teacher will not scold them if they behave well especially after they have seen you scold the naughtier ones. Everything has to be done in a very sensitive and delicate manner. Teaching in a big school and running back and forth for school duties can be very tiresome at times too.” 

However, teaching in a kindergarten is not all bitter as there are plenty of sweet moments too! Teacher Gana shared with us about her short experience in teaching at a Dyslexic Centre. “It was an NGO and I was there to teach a small group of dyslexic children and by using the phonetics method, we were able to guide some dyslexic children of age 7 & 8 years old to learn how to read. Later on, the centre started accepting autistic children and it became too time-consuming and tiring for me. I love and enjoy teaching children and what gives me joy is seeing how much progress the children has shown since entering my class. I was not trained to teach autistic children.” Why did teacher Gana decide to stay with R.E.A.L Kids Puchong Jaya for such a long time? “I feel recognized and comfortable with the people here. It feels good when you have a parent come up to you and insist that her second or third child to be in your class. It lets you know that you have been doing a great job and how your children are impacted by it. I want to be somewhere where everybody knows my name. I could have moved on to a bigger school with better financial security but I wouldn’t know what the chances are to meet a good school manager like teacher Janet who is comfortable with my teaching methods and trusts me enough to continue using my own teaching style.”

Teacher Gana was extremely grateful when she experienced parents who went up on stage to thank her publically for her competency as a teacher during one of the Graduation Day Ceremony. There are times when she feels that she would like to explore different careers after being in this line of job for so long. She was considering on exploring the real estate industry. However, there is something special and fulfilling about teaching children that has always kept her here. “Some time ago I bumped into an ex student of mine and she was currently already working as an accountant! I felt excited but yet at the same time a little sad for myself as I was still working as a teacher after so many years. However that student exclaimed, “Teacher Gana, you have basically taught half of Puchong! And that is what you want to hear and feel. Sometimes we may not feel that we have contributed much, but even after a child has grown up and still remembers me, I am very happy.” 

How has working with R.E.A.L Kids transformed teacher Gana for the better? “I used to be very introverted and shy. I was encouraged by the management to take up public speaking and it is very different speaking to children as opposed to speaking publically to adults. Children don’t judge you as much as adults do although I must admit that children are much brighter than we thought they were. They actually absorb a lot more than you think they do and they bring it back home to their parents.” 

Is anyone off the streets qualified to be a preschool teacher? “Patience is of utmost importance. This is followed by kindness and love for the children. Even if you do not love children, working in a kindergarten will grow that love for children eventually because the children are so innocent. I remember this one child who was always crying loudly ‘Teacher Gana, Teacher Gana’ to get my attention. After a while, she slowly grew to be independent and she was able to learn so much. Your heart will melt when you see how a child progress in your class. Sometimes it is the fear and separation anxiety that scares them and that is why they cry. After all this, I am now teaching her younger sister and I am always reminded of her elder sister. Being a preschool teacher is not a job that should be looked down upon. You need to have the passion for children and learn how to be hands-on with them. When a child makes a mess in his pants and is afraid to let the teacher know because he is afraid of getting scolded, you should not just throw him to the helper to clean him up. This might instil thoughts of rejection in the child’s mind.”

What are Teacher Gana’s thoughts on Early Childhood Education? “It is the period of time for us to teach them right from wrong. Reading is critical at this stage of life for them to accumulate general knowledge. By learning to read, the child is able to progress further in learning. This is the time where we are still able to mould them, imagine trying to change someone who is already in their 50s. It is near to impossible because they are already so set in their ways. I learned through my experience of raising my 3 children that teaching positive things are crucial. My eldest child took a break of 7 years after her SPM and was jumping from course to course until she finally settled down in dentistry. As compared to my youngest son, who is only 16 now, is very independent. He knows how to take the bus on his own to school every day and sometimes I feel hurt when he tells me “don’t worry about me mom, I don’t need your help now, I can take care of myself.” Both my eldest and youngest child behaves so differently from one another. My son is independent enough to cook his own meal whereas my eldest cannot even heat up her already cooked meal. I am still learning how to cope as a mother and learning how not to be selfish sometimes to wanting to be needed by them.” 

Teacher Gana rejoined us in 2006 and she has no regrets. “I have no regrets but there are times I feel burnt out. I really give all my heart and soul and it can be tiring. It is definitely not easy to be a teacher. However, I like going the extra mile. I have a soft spot for children who are weaker in the class but it can sometimes take a toll on me.”


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Footsteps of a Teacher - Teacher Margaret from R.E.A.L. Kids Kajang Prima

“Be a kindergarten teacher if you really love children and finance is not the main goal. This is the first time for a child to learn social skills and it can be frightening for them but it is important.” – Teacher Margaret

Have you ever wondered what is it like being a kindergarten teacher? Is it all just fun and games with cute little children? What are the challenges involved in this career? Many people think that a kindergarten teacher has fun all the time with adorable little children but how much truth is in that assumption? Let us ask someone who has been in the education industry for 7 years!

Teacher Margaret has been with R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima for 7 years now and she is familiar with all the ins and outs of being a kindergarten teacher. She is someone who is always smiling and joyful. She generally tends to stay out of others’ personal matters as she feels it is not her place to interfere but sometimes this makes her come across as unfriendly. After working so many years alongside her colleagues, they've come to see that she’s far from unfriendly and really enjoy her company. We had the opportunity to talk to teacher Margaret and get to know her a little better. Ms Margaret is someone who exhibits strength and courage because of the challenges she had to go through in life. We could see the devastation in her eyes as she told us about her late husband and the struggles she went through finding ways to support her children who were still in school at that time. She managed to pass through 3 levels of interview for a bank call centre but later on declined the job offer despite the good pay because of the unsuitable work schedule that would not enable her to care for her children. That was the beginning of Ms Margaret’s journey with us at R.E.A.L Kids.

Ever since then, teacher Margaret has told us that she has no regrets about the decision to work in R.E.A.L Kids. She tells us about all the interesting and fun things that go on at the Kajang Prima centre but the most outstanding story is about their annual concert. Teacher Margaret had on the biggest smile on her face as she told us in detail about the concert. She would teach her students to sing and perform. She told us about how last year she taught 2 girls to perform the song “let it go” and how well they did! Teacher Margaret loves to sing and believes in the use of music to be creative in conducting her lessons. She would come up with catchy tunes, which we had the privilege of having a preview, to teach her children. She tells us that its creative methods like these that help engage the students better and effectively. So it is not just the children that have fun in class, but so does the teacher!  

Teaching children sounds like fun! Whoa whoa.. hold your horses. There are challenges as well in this line of career.

We asked teacher Margaret what are some challenges being in this line of work and she looked at us with a small smile on her face. “Our daily lives are already challenging. Waking up at 5.30am to beat the traffic jam from Semenyih to Kajang is a challenge. Life is always full of challenges.” Wise words from a kindergarten teacher. She continues sharing with us about how it is sometimes challenging to prepare homework for the children, marking books, preparing for classes the next day and juggling all this with the limited time there is in a day.  Even with all that pressure, you still see the joy in teacher Margaret’s eyes telling you that she is not beaten down by the challenges in this career line but she is in fact made stronger through all these.

“I remember in one of my classes, I assigned a student of mine to do extra homework by colouring in a drawing of a face even though the instructions on the book clearly stated that colouring was not necessary. His parents came back the next day to ask why did I give extra work to their child and I told them that it was because I wanted him to practice his grip on his pencil.”

                Teacher Margaret isn't a teacher who would simply just follow the guidelines of the book but would go the extra mile in teaching her students. You could see how dedicated and passionate she is about her work and children. She always has the best interest of her students in mind and will be on the lookout of methods to help improve their learning. While having fun too of course! She would tell her students’ parents “I need to be a little bit more firm with your children so that they can be a little bit better.” The dedication portrayed by teacher Margaret is something that is amazing. Being a kindergarten teacher should not be taken lightly. It is a huge responsibility and it requires hard work. However seeing teachers like teacher Margaret talk with such a burning passion about her work, it truly inspired us. 

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Love, Patience and Kindness - Teacher Maliga from R.E.A.L. Kids Kajang Prima

"You can change a child with love, patience and kindness"

                Ms Maliga is one of the teachers in our R.E.A.L Kids Centre in Kajang Prima and she has been with us for 4 years now. Ms Maliga comes from an experienced career background in construction of 14 years but decided that she would like to do something different with her life. She took a one year break from work and used this time to catch up with family, friends and just some alone time for herself. Fortunately for us, Ms Maliga felt a sense of emptiness in life and decided to join us at our R.E.A.L Kids centre in Kajang! She is now extremely happy with where she is and looks forward to work every day! We had the opportunity to have a short talk with teacher Maliga and that helped us to getting to know her a little better.

                Ms Maliga is not just your average kindergarten teacher. She comes across shy, quiet and reserved and did not have much experience in the education field. She had one year work experience in a kindergarten after her SPM but that was all. Everything that she has learnt today was solely built on her passion for children. However there was a time where that passion in teacher Maliga was almost extinguished when she faced challenges in her work. She struggled with writing up reports and updating the children records and she was on the verge of giving up. She actually had one foot out the door when our beloved principal, Ms Tan, had the compassion and love for Ms Maliga and believed so strongly that she had so much more potential in teaching. She sat her down after school to help guide her in learning the ways of writing reports and such. It was because of the love and care that was shown by Ms Tan that encouraged Ms Maliga to step back into teaching with both feet planted to the ground and a passion that was reignited for the children. “If I was able to withstand the pressure of construction business for 14 years, I am able to see this through especially with the guidance of such an inspiring leader” said Ms Maliga.

                The career change for teacher Maliga was tough initially but as soon as she got into the groove of teaching, she progressed with flying colours. Her passion for her students was not just confined in the classrooms but even in her dreams! “I would have dreams about ideas on how to be creative in my classes” said Ms Maliga. She got the idea of using decorated flash cards in her class through her dreams where she quickly took note of the moment she awoke. This is a very different side of Ms Maliga from when she was in the construction line where she was hot tempered and stressed from the pressure of work. Now she is a happy, patient and contented person and is fully committed to her career as a kindergarten teacher.

                One of teacher Maliga’s highlights being a kindergarten teacher in R.E.A.L Kids is their annual concerts. She describes how both the teachers and children are all excited as they prepare for the concert. They have speeches, dances, singers and all sorts of creative entertaining programs for the parents. As teacher Maliga tells us, “it is not easy to prepare the children for the concert but they are so excited about it. I would even go to the temple to pray for them that they will dance and sing properly. I am so happy when I see them on the stage dancing and singing all their parts correctly and you will see the parents so proud of their children.” It is good to see how much Ms Maliga loves her job now and its moments like these that warm our hearts.

                Teacher Maliga has only been teaching in R.E.A.L Kids for 4 years with no ECE background but she has shown so much growth.  She was once a hot tempered person but is now a loving, patient and kind hearted person. Teacher Maliga portrays dedication and bravery in her job and tells us “don’t give up when times are tough. You can change a child with love, patience and kindness.” Some wise words from Ms Maliga to future ECE graduates, “you must love your job. If a hot tempered person like me from construction line can learn to change, you can definitely do it. I believe in ECE because it not only teaches children ABC, but character, independence, manners and respect too.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

25 Years with R.E.A.L Education Group - Principal Ms Tan from R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima

Principal Ms Tan passionately welcoming us into her office in R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima.
25 years! Since 1990, from a primary school Teacher in Sang Suria located in Cheras (then called Seri Suria), to an opportunity offered by R.E.A.L to take up a leadership position in our kindergarten in R.E.A.L Kids Seri Suria. It was not an easy decision. But the transition was smoother with a 3-year PTM (Persatuan Tadika Malaysia) course Ms Tan was offered to undertake. A decision she now says, "No regrets. Even on holidays I got to be in the centre. I sacrificed my time to be a leader with job satisfaction".

It was 15th Dec 2003 when Ms Tan officially took up the role of principal for R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima. She was asked to set up the new centre in Kajang as at that time only a few students enrolled. She was the principal of both R.E.A.L Kids Seri Suria and R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima. She managed 2 centres for 4 years and after that she chose to be full time in Kajang.

Then on for 7 years, Ms Tan achieved full house enrollment in R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima. That's when R.E.A.L finally got a new premise purchased for expansion! She can vividly remember she brought her whole family to assist her in clearing up the new premise. It was tiring but it was fun. With her dedication and commitment, she managed to inspire all the teachers to come back on Christmas day to shift from old centre to new center. All teachers came back to work on Christmas day with cheer and fun.

The office furniture that they ordered couldn't come on time. They had to wait until 12 midnight and after installing, it was 3am. Finally, they left the new premise and slept for a few hours before they started commuting back to work again the next morning (the school reopened for its 1st day). But it was worthwhile for her. To some of her long serving teachers, it is not just their second home, some called it their first home. Some teachers even volunteered to stay back after half day's work to accompany and assist other full day teachers because they are so close with each other. It is this kind of close knitting bond that made R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima a real home for the teachers and kids. 

She and her team of teachers mop the floor, clean the toilets, cook and do everything themselves when their maid is not available. Full of confidence Ms Tan proudly announced this to us, "You really need to be able to motivate your teachers. Sometimes due to financial burden, a teacher or two gave their resignation letters. But I managed to keep them after I talked to them. For a little bit more pay, it really couldn't compensate the love we've established over here. My teachers stay an average of 5-6 years. My proudest moment will definitely be the concerts. The teachers trained the kids so well." You can surely see the twinkle in her eyes when she spoke of her kids during concerts. "One of our parents was so amazed because our teacher was cheeky enough to convince the kid to practice his speech in private without letting the parents know. We were all so proud of the kids and ourselves when parents exclaimed, 'Wow! Is this my child?'"

From left: Mark, Christopher, Ms Tan, Teacher Santha, Teacher Maliga in front of R.E.A.L Kids Kajang Prima on 6th March 2015. Wonderful visit. We got to know how passionate the teachers were under Principal Ms Tan's leadership.