Sunday, June 21, 2015

Dream With Boldness by DJ Ong

DJ Ong sharing about Boldness to chase after your dream during R.E.A.L Toastmasters March 2015 gathering.

A dream is born out of an idea. When you have a dream, just go for it.  Run with your dream with boldness. 5 years ago, I stumbled upon a course in my university years entitled Psychology of The Gifted.  Knowing and learning about how gifted children work had since then sparked an idea in my mind. I wanted to find out how preschool principals work with the gifted and talented preschoolers.  With boldness, I wrote in to the educational institutions and sought their permission to find out how this was done.  I took a flight to Victoria, Australia and Auckland, New Zealand, spent 5 weeks there, interviewed the school principals, programme coordinators, children and carried out classroom observations.  That was my Masters research project, which I later commercialized into programmes for my own literacy centre. With boldness, I started Amazing Kids Literacy Centre in 2009 where I adapted the best practices which I discovered and worked with the Malaysian preschoolers.  The four year journey had its ups and downs, joy and challenges, as well as fun and pain.  Nonetheless, I persevered and labored with boldness to pursue my dream.  Today, I am in a new season and a new journey.  The 4 year journey has been worthwhile and here I am sharing my story with you today.  When you have a dream, run with it with boldness! 

Written by DJ Ong

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