Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Heroes - Teacher Tengku Aulia

Heroes do not necessarily come in uniforms. Hero is something you see in a person. As a teacher, you are a hero. Only a teacher can mold a hero. How does a doctor become a doctor? She needs a teacher, a sifu, or a mentor. Even a business man needs people to guide or lead him. Without teachers, we have no future leaders, be it good ones and bad ones.

A lot of children come to school with a sad face but were turned happy by teachers. This is a reaction I get always, "She's not in a good mood today.." Teacher changes everything from there, "Good morning Katelyn!" with enthusiasm we approach our children.

I never imagined myself as a teacher. I didn't like to study, I didn't like my teacher and I hated books. Somehow rather I felt happy as a teacher. Sometimes you can get frustrated seeing this boy again and thinking to yourself, what should I do?

A teacher, a hero, comes from within. If you do your homework, people will see the hero.

Everyone of us is a hero for someone, even my mom. She is my hero. You can never look down at people's work. You might not be able to see it but they do build better future for others.

Heroes are made, not born. Everybody has his or her own lesson in life, and they need time to mold their character to become a hero. To be a hero, you need to learn life.

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