Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Reality of Life (Forgiveness) - Teacher Angeline Chang from R.E.A.L Kids KGH

Teacher Angeline on the right, receiving a Certificate of Achievement for being a finalist during R.E.A.L's CPCD (Continuous Personal & Career Development) Contest 2015 (16-20 Nov 2015).

Every individual undergoes different types of stress. Be it students in college, women at home, people in the workplace, all experienced stress. Some could overcome stress, while others are not able to. If we are not attached to these negative thoughts and could think positively, we are able to manage our stress.

Today, I will share with you about my life experience. How I learned to forgive and forget. It was unplanned for that I was offered a job by my uncle at Kundang Jaya in Rawang. Quite a big shift for me and my family had to move from Penang to Kuala Lumpur that time.

My uncle owned a bottling factory and I was tasked to work there as a Production Supervisor. My job scope was to ensure smooth operation of the production line. That time, I was working under a couple who were related to my uncle’s wife. For the first few months, the transition was smooth until my uncle was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain by a neurology doctor. He was advised to undergo a major operation.

During the course of his surgery, this couple started to give me a hard time. They found ways just to get me out. I tolerated because I promised myself that once I was there, I had to work hard and whole heartedly. But they kept pressuring me and the saddest part was that they accused me for things I did not do. I realized I’d been victimized. But what could I do? I could not tell my uncle. I was much stressed up, sad and angry at the same time. At last, I decided to leave.

 Unfortunately I left with anger and was very resentful. I harbored hatred and grudge to this couple for doing wrong to me. When I was at the verge of depression, by coincidence, I met my mom’s best friend, who came and visited us. She is a very kind and caring woman. We chatted and I related the whole scenario to her. She said, “let go and forgive.” If you happen to meet them one day, just approach them and say “hello”. Afterall they are your relative.

No! I said, I can’t and will never forgive them. Forgiveness was not an option for me that very moment. The anger was still boiling within my heart. I spent sleepless nights asking myself, can I really “let go and forgive them”? This continued until I calmed down, my conscience told me I have to. It is all about whether I can let go and forgive them or harbor anger and resentment for the rest of my life. It is a choice I have to make.

 Then one day, I met this couple at a restaurant. They saw me and so do I. At that moment, my conscience told me that I have to approach them and say “hello”. You have to in order to relieve yourself of anger and resentment. So I picked up my courage, walked straight up to them, said hello and shook their hands. To my surprise, they hugged me. At that instance, I have set myself free from anger and hatred. It does not matter anymore how much wrong they have done to me. I want to move on and I have conquered the impossible of letting go and forgiving them. Every one of us is gifted with a conscience to forgive. Once it manifests, it is time to let go and to forgive.

To me, the word “forget” means to totally erase off the said memory and to “forgive” means to genuinely keep no hatred and no grudge. Similar to my case, we will have to go through a period of anger and resentment to get to forgiveness. I know it is not easy but it is not impossible. Thank you.

Written and presented by Teacher Angeline Chang from R.E.A.L Kids Kemuning Greenhill.