Thursday, November 13, 2014

How to Fix Education and Get Great Teachers?

Excellent post for any Educator-wanna-be.

Before you start reading this piece, you might want to ask yourself a few questions:
1. What makes a great teacher? Or a supremely skilled educator.
2. Can a supremely skilled educator really be trained or coached?
3. What kinds of remedial and effective trainings should be given to potentially great teachers who came unprepared?

4. Private education institutes seem to be comparatively more effective at outplacement than public ones. Why and how did they do it? Was it done correctly & professionally?
5. How to attract the best to teach in an all-time low-morale industry of educating? With low pay, declining respect and worsening conditions being top of the tongue topics.
6. How to make The School an EXCITING place to work?
7. What is Aggressive Recruitment of talented new teachers? Does it have to be aggressive and why?
8. How and who can improve our teachers' compensation system with our already constrained remuneration "source"? Any Compensation & Benefits Consulting Firm that could do this for us with minimal or no fee or with proven track record on value-for-money engagements?

9. Is there a foolproof system that can identify talented teachers in the system who is underutilized, over-utilized or struggling at any unknown reasons not under administrator's radar?
10. What did South Korea do right that made teaching a career of choice? How China, Japan & Finland created a culture that respects and recognizes teachers in this modern day of disregard?
11. How to effectively make great teachers accountable for their teaching performance? Is students' results still the most valid and viable assessment of teachers' performance?

Do advise and please do enjoy your read on Lessons of Hope - How to Fix Our Schools, by Joel Klein. =)

Suggested reading:
Pulse - Book Summary

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