Monday, December 15, 2014

Life is but a Dream by Mrs Rajen from R.E.A.L Kids Cyberjaya

Mrs Rajen giving her 10th Toastmaster's speech during R.E.A.L Toastmaster's meeting on 28th Nov 2014.
Wonderful title of speech by Mrs Rajen. Life is but a dream. 
Perhaps best to follow with Martin Luther King Junior's "I Have A Dream" to achieve its optimum impact, of course with revisions of your very own dream.

Some of the key take-away from her speech includes but are not restricted to below:

A Goal is different from a Dream. How so? Go figure it.
"Dreams will take its right of its own." - Sukhdev.
An example of a successful man with a dream is Mark Victor Hansen who published The Chicken Soup Series. He turned from a millionaire to a billionaire after publishing his Chicken Soup Series. He would coach people to take a piece of paper, write down your dream. Then increase it by 30%. Make it bigger, then you can achieve it. 

When questioned about his dream, he proudly admitted he only increased his dream by 3000%.
"There is no such thing as reality because reality is only a perception and whatever you perceive to be true becomes true for you."
Sometimes people grew disappointed and tired of trying, why?
Her answer, "Your goal is too small. The force that drives you is small."
"Dream is the most important part of self development." - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
As a conclusion, Mrs Rajen has only one statement for us,  
"I have a crazy dream I'm obsessed with and I'm going to achieve it."

Additional afterword with speaker, Mrs Rajen expressed that her dream is to one day truly achieve financial freedom. To be free from financial commitments and have the freedom to live the life she wants. It might not be specific and ambitious enough to some, but it's definitely good enough for a start.

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