Monday, August 24, 2015

Teacher Tiu Sie Jie - R.E.A.L Kids' MAP is Directly Related to The Work Issues I'm Facing Every Day

Congratulations to Teacher Tiu Sie Jie for completing her 2 years' MAP with R.E.A.L Education Group. With that, she's confident to take up Supervisory role with R.E.A.L Kids Taman Cuepacs. 

"I joined R.E.A.L Kids in 2011 and was given the opportunity to take up the Management Apprentice Programme (MAP). The program had given me the opportunity to learn and explore a lot of new knowledge regarding different functions. Many of the program topics are directly related to the work issues that I am facing every day.  

Overall it was an enjoyable and educational program. Now that I have completed the program, I feel that it had thoroughly benefited me and I am better equipped to work in the kindergarten. Thank You." - Teacher Sie Jie

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