Monday, December 16, 2013

Ms Elizabeth Tan from REAL Kids USJ 12 - Grateful

Ms Elizabeth Tan from REAL Kids USJ 12 during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled,
When I was little, my grandparents were the ones who took care of me when my parents had to work for money. They were the ones who fed me, clothed me and bathed me. They gave me what I needed to grow up. Whatever they do, they’ll give us a part of them.

I remember the adventures we went through together. There was a time when I was in Primary School, grandfather took me to school and I woke up, “OMG why is it so dark?” Then we noticed it was only 4am and we had to wait for 2 more hours before the school gates reopen. Another time was when I was in Secondary School; that was the first day after moving school, we woke up very early and my grandfather drove me to school. After an hour, we wonder, “Why it took us so long to reach school?” That’s when we looked out and realized we were on the way to Kuala Selangor and not to school because he is illiterate and could not read the road signs. It was a long journey but luckily there was no traffic jam. That was quite an adventure! 

When I was young, they even brought me to these Hokkien Operas. The artists with heavy make-ups really scared me. But if it weren't them taking me there, I wouldn't had experienced the high-pitched singing, the sword dancing, or the heat and seeing the people holding tissues and experiencing the crowd’s constant fanning.

Every morning they would wake up really early just to go get groceries so that food will stay fresh for their grandchildren for the day. And for the next day, they will do the same thing again. Eventhough they were in the off, they would buy the best fish for their grandchildren.
Though they are no longer here with me, I am very grateful to them for giving me education and disciplining me whenever it’s needed because they gave me what I needed to grow up. 

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