Monday, December 16, 2013

Ms Parimala from REAL Kids Plus Shah Alam - Being A Teacher

Ms Parimala from REAL Kids Plus Shah Alam during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "Being A Teacher".
It is a joyful time to love kids

Being a teacher is not just about teaching. Sometimes you have to be a mother to show love, attention and care to make the children feel so happy to be with you and think that school is fun. It is about ensuring the parents that their children are in good hands so the parents can have peace in their workplace. 

Being a Preschool Teacher involves carrying the children, putting them in my lap, show them how to use the toilet, put on shoes and button up their shirts.

Sometimes you have to be clowns and actors in class to make them learn. How many times we had to be Minions so we can make teaching fun and understandable to them, showing them - all of them can learn in different ways. 

Sometimes you get to be an artist when you are involved in the props, charts, flash cards, and decorations for school, and even to choreograph dance steps!

Being a teacher is also about learning from the children. I never knew I had talent for the arts until I was involved in the props and school events. I learned patience, to be happy, and to have self-confidence when the parents expressed their appreciation for what I did to their children. 

Most children would forget me but I know I did something in their lives when they were small, something which will be part of them.

PS: Ms Parimala even shared with us an inspiring occasion at her REAL Kids Center on how she witnessed the change of an overactive boy when the boy learned patience from an Autistic boy. How she was touched to watch the overactive boy hold the Autistic boy's hand, helped him, being there with him, laughed with him, making jokes, etc. and how both of them changed for the better. If you are interested to learn more from Ms Parimala on this wonderful discovery, let us know and we might feature a future article on what she learned from that experience.

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