Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Positivity through 4 Words - Toastmaster's World Championship 1st Runner Up, Kwong Yue Yang

Interesting speech from Toastmaster's World Championship second-place winner, Kwong Yue Yang, ACS, ALB, of Guangzhou, China, who gave a speech titled, "Four Words."

There's a twist half-way through this seemingly negative 8-minute speech that changed "I Told You So" into "Everything's Gonna Be Okay".

Sometimes being Right is NOT always Right.

Fellow teachers, this sharing could serve to remind us to stay positive (Joyfulness) and humble (Humility) even when we are at our wit's end.

Enjoy the speech and hope you can share with us your takeaway from it.

Character Definitions:
Joyfulness (vs. self-pity) = Maintaining a good attitude, even when faced with unpleasant conditions.
Humility (vs. pride) = Acknowledging that my achievement results from the investment of others in my life.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Life is but a Dream by Mrs Rajen from R.E.A.L Kids Cyberjaya

Mrs Rajen giving her 10th Toastmaster's speech during R.E.A.L Toastmaster's meeting on 28th Nov 2014.
Wonderful title of speech by Mrs Rajen. Life is but a dream. 
Perhaps best to follow with Martin Luther King Junior's "I Have A Dream" to achieve its optimum impact, of course with revisions of your very own dream.

Some of the key take-away from her speech includes but are not restricted to below:

A Goal is different from a Dream. How so? Go figure it.
"Dreams will take its right of its own." - Sukhdev.
An example of a successful man with a dream is Mark Victor Hansen who published The Chicken Soup Series. He turned from a millionaire to a billionaire after publishing his Chicken Soup Series. He would coach people to take a piece of paper, write down your dream. Then increase it by 30%. Make it bigger, then you can achieve it. 

When questioned about his dream, he proudly admitted he only increased his dream by 3000%.
"There is no such thing as reality because reality is only a perception and whatever you perceive to be true becomes true for you."
Sometimes people grew disappointed and tired of trying, why?
Her answer, "Your goal is too small. The force that drives you is small."
"Dream is the most important part of self development." - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.
As a conclusion, Mrs Rajen has only one statement for us,  
"I have a crazy dream I'm obsessed with and I'm going to achieve it."

Additional afterword with speaker, Mrs Rajen expressed that her dream is to one day truly achieve financial freedom. To be free from financial commitments and have the freedom to live the life she wants. It might not be specific and ambitious enough to some, but it's definitely good enough for a start.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Educator Turned Entrepreneur - Datin Paduka Zalika Alias of Genuis Aulad & her Latest Brainchild IDRISSI

Datin Paduka Zaliza Alias explaining the conception of Genuis Aulad. What about her upcoming brainchild - Idrissi International in Setia Alam?

Incredible is probably an understatement to quantify Datin Zaliza's achievement to date. Inspiring is perhaps a more fitting word. Why?

From December 2000 till today, Zaliza has not only owned her 8 branches but inspired the following and growth of 20 plus Genuis Aulad franchisees apart from her latest international embarkation into Australia, Indonesia & Saudi Arabia. Did we even mention the Idrissi International? The world's first Eco-Islamic School with language emphasis on Mandarin & Arabic on top of using English as its main medium of instruction.

Inspiring? Nope. How about this. Zaliza was an educator at heart. It wasn't about building her education empire but to offer her teachers a platform to grow out of just being teachers that opened her to the franchising concept.

What about the quality of preschool education? Debatable as it may, Zaliza was looking for an Islamic Preschool that emphasizes English for her children but there was none in the market back in 2000. And there it was, the inception of Genuis Aulad, from the love for her children and insistence of quality education, both Zaliza who was then a TESL Lecturer in a Local University and her husband, Mohamead Hafiez, who was then an architect worked on this preschool education project.

Some of the interesting things about Genuis Aulad:
  • The Interactive White Board.
  • Universal principals of love, respect and kindness.
  • Teaching values and principles through songs and story-telling.
  • Motivate young minds in helping the world to be a better place for everyone to live in, regardless of race and creed.
Some milestones achived:
  • Genuis Aulad was appointed by MPH Bookstores as official organization to conduct story-telling sessions at MPH Outlets monthly since 2011.
  • Genius Aulad conducted training programs and workshops for parents and teachers to enhance their parenting, bonding and teaching skills.  
Zaliza was not only the chief mastermind of Genuis Aulad, she heads the creative department and is still actively involved in the writing and producing of creative works.

As for Idrissi International Primary School, it is the natural progression from Genuis Aulad. One thing we particularly love about Idrissi is its Eco-learning tools and activities - Nature as Learning Tools: Inspired by Australia Organic School Curriculum.

For more information on this incredible educator and mom turned entrepreneur, we recommend below links:
1. The "Genuis Maker" by Top 10 Malaysia, Sept 2013.
2. Zalika Jual Rumah Buka Tadika by Utusan Online, Oct 2011.
3. Idrissi International Primary School in Setia Alam.
4. Genuis Aulad Official Page.

The Plight of Children’s Reading in War-Torn Countries

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Building Confidence with the Big Bad Wolves by Raymond Lim

Years with R.E.A.L Education Group. Yes we definitely cannot deny the contributions Raymond has brought to R.E.A.L Kids, especially on its Branding and Marketing milestones achieved over the years. So, what had R.E.A.L offered him in return? Was the experience working here worthwhile? Was R.E.A.L working experience a blessing to Raymond? Read on.

Pre write-up: It took us sometime to consider how this post should be composed to retain at least similar if not stronger impact Raymond achieved through his 10th Toastmaster's Project Speech on 28th Nov 2014. It would have done no justice to him or to R.E.A.L if this written speech is "mellowed" through either  just a first person speech or a third party narrative. But is there a scientific measure of composition impact? Let's just give it a try and see if you could get something out of his experiences.

Confidence. If you have met or interacted with Raymond for even once, he gave you an unmistakable impression that he is Charismatic, Charming and what other C's will be the prerequisite for the earlier two? Yes, Supreme CONFIDENCE.

To some who might not enjoy working with anyone who exude such confidence, personalities might clash. He might appear somewhat loud or a little too outspoken. But coupled with his determination and passion to excel and to give nothing but his very best, you could not ignore his presence and influence.

So the question is, was Raymond born supremely confident
Is confidence something you can acquire or build? What took a shy little 7-year-old boy to one great force to reckon in just a handful of years down the road? 
Was confidence something that could easily be shattered if handled immaturely?

Excerpts from Raymond's speech:
"It is indeed a blessing to work in R.E.A.L. It gave me a chance to join Toastmasters. On top of that, I was exposed to opportunities to speak up in meetings and to give trainings in front of 200 plus teachers. I gave people the impression that I'm a confident person, but am I really someone with confidence? Let's take a step back to the little boy before 7 years of age. He did not even dare to pick up calls. "

Back when I was 7 during a Math Class, I could still clearly recall the teacher's face. She wrote on the board, '1 + 1 = 2'. And then she asked the class, '1 Apple + 1 Apple = ?' I was enthused. I raised my hand and volunteered to do the arithmetic! And this was my answer.

The teacher walked to me, angry at what I did. She asked me to rub off everything I drew on the board. She did not want anything more than TWO ORDINARY APPLES. From the top 5 in class that year, I dropped to the bottom 5 because I lost interest in studies.

I was always an artistically-inclined person since young. From that incident onward, I started snacking a lot. To the point of being teased and called Little Sammo Hung or Doraemon in school. My confidence scattered again. And it only got worse with consistent teasing from people who did not believe in me. They would laugh at me at random, well what boys would generally do without real intention to harm but never failing to achieve its unintended goal.

It doesn't make it any better with closed ones comparing my results with that of their sons and daughters. Dad and mom encouraged me often but others (including some teachers) on the other hand just laughed incessantly at me. Dad would tell me that everybody's different while mom advised me to never give up. A notable instance is where she sent me to Art Lessons, which slowly built up my confidence.

Until the crossroads after highschool, I had to pick a major. I chose arts and followed my interest to pursue Graphics Design in Lim Kok Wing. I studied arts, practice, practice and practice. Slowly I started building my house of confidence. My confidence grew because of the praises and encouragements from my friends, peers and lecturers there. Before I knew it, my house of confidence grew into a Tower of Confidence.

I continued pursuing my Arts in RMIT in Australia and came back to work in
before I decided to further pursue a Master's Degree in Advertising back in Australia. This was when setback returned. I was OVERCONFIDENT and UNDERESTIMATED the difficulty of a graduate degree. I had to resit my papers a few times and that literally shattered my confidence from cloud nine flat to the ground because my parents had to ingrain in my skull, "Don't you dare to fail again because we have no more money for you to repeat your semester." It did not help that I did not have many friends there, perceived arrogance perhaps. I tried all over again, humbling myself to make friends and look for support or advices but I met a lot of stumbling blocks. It took me a lot of hard knocks to gradually pick up a bit of my confidence and made some good friends eventually.

Back in after my Master's Degree, I'd gone through leadership trainings. Being selected as the team leader in a team building event heading the GM's, HoD's and principals, it was not easy but with the endless support and encouragements, I successfully rebuilt my house of confidence again.

It doesn't end here. Confidence grew and both external factors and OVERCONFIDENCE will kill it every now and then. And if you were to depend on external forces to build your confidence, you are bound to fall.

The Big Bad Wolf exists in everybody's life to take the chance to HUFF, PUFF and BLOW YOUR HOUSE OF CONFIDENCE AWAY!

My advice for you,
Stop them right before they blow with their might, speak up to them and say, "WAIT. I STAND STRONG HERE. And YOU, GET OUT!" - Raymond Lim, R.E.A.L Kids Assistant Manager, ECCE Marketing Department, 2013 - 2014. He was with us since 2006-2007 as a Graphics Designer for R.E.A.L Kids, then under Education Ventures Sdn Bhd; returned to R.E.A.L Kids Branding & Marketing in late 2012 till today.

* One of the biggest Big Bad Wolf (confidence deterrent) Raymond experienced was his own OVERCONFIDENCE. It takes humility and wisdom to admit that one's own defeat originated from his own failure to overcome his personal arrogance. He did that at the age of 30 in front of a modest crowd of approximately 30. We salute him for being bold to expose his weakness and failure in the eyes of those who entrusted him.