Sunday, February 8, 2015

Education: Traditional vs Online

For the past century our education system has been very traditional with books, blackboard and teachers. Recent technological advancements have been affecting classroom learning with the implementation of smart board, blackboard and Coursera (online learning) that are causing the educational method to change. All these new interactive learning tools that are available to students nowadays, are they here to do good or bad?

Looking from the positive side, online learning in fact increases the efficiency of learning and it can actually encourage students to access learning materials easily. Students can also download lecture notes, slides and tips online without consulting lecturers and this form of learning can happen anywhere anytime. Parents could also check on students progress and homework to ensure that the students are doing well in school.

Besides, moving the classroom online could also broaden the reach of these education to those that could not afford to attend to universities but are keen learners. Coursera (a new online education platform) partners with Professors from Universities to provide classes online with lower fees. Coursera now offers 859 courses from 115 Universities for only $50/month.

Despite the positive impact of technologies in learning nowadays we could not discount the possibility that traditional classroom learning will ever be replaced. The fundamental on teaching and learning is through two way communication between the students and lecturer but with online learning it would be overly flexible and that may cause students to miss classes or have less initiative to learn rendering the education invaluable. 

With the pros and cons of technological impact on education it would be wise to think twice before revamping the education methods.

What do you think? Would you want your child to learn online or in a classroom?

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