Sunday, May 17, 2015

Contentment by Tong Kitt Chan

Kitt Chan sharing with us what Contentment and Happiness means through Character First April 2015 Gathering.
"Today, I would like to share a story. Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived in a village. The little girl’s ambition was to be a kindergarten teacher. To her, it was not a difficult ambition compared to becoming a doctor or a lawyer. The majority of her classmates had applied for business or economics courses in university, but she applied for an early childhood course. True, it was not difficult to become a kindergarten teacher and after four years she graduated and soon she was working as a kindergarten teacher. She was very happy and contented doing what she had dreamed about for so long. However, the happiness did not last long. After a year of teaching, she found her university friends who had studied business and economics were able to buy cars or a house, but she was earning only a thousand plus and riding a motorbike. Her income was far less than her friends.

Then she started to think of ways to increase her income. What could she do? Finally, she got an answer- part time job.  The girl started to work part time. She earned hundreds by tutoring primary school student. She continued at her full time job teaching in a kindergarten from 8am to 4pm. After that, she traveled to another centre to teach primary school children. Before she went home, she went to two houses to give students home tuition. At night she had to prepare work for the next day’s lessons for her full time job.  She even taught children art on Saturday.  Definitely, her income increased. She was very happy and proud of herself.

Do you think the girl will be happy ever after? Why?

The answer is no. She felt unhappy again.

Hi, I am the girl. During that time, I worked 12 to 13 hours every day. I was happy to teach young children in the morning. But, I was stressed when teaching home tuition at night. I seldom met my student’s parents, but they were watching me teaching tuition through CCTV. The parents want academic excellence. Nobody cares about the curriculum and the age appropriateness of it. Nobody bothered about character building.  I sacrificed my time with family and friends, health and my passion because of money.  I was really struggling at that time. Should I let go my part time job? But how can I survive with the little pay? Why had I spend 4 years of my time and effort studying something that couldn’t even support my life? It was the first time I truly felt that it was not easy to be a kindergarten teacher. I wasn’t contented when I learned that my friends are earning more, I wasn’t contented even when I earned more with my tutoring.

In March 2012, my grandmother fell sick. I resigned and I stopped all my part time jobs. I spent few months with my grandmother in hospital before she passed away. It was priceless being with her. I learned a lot during those few months. Money can buy you medicine, but not health; money can buy you clock, but not time; money can buy you house; but not a home. Dear friends, are you contented with what you have? Are you contented with your life? I am happy for you if your answer is YES! If NO, we can learn together.

How to cultivate contentment? Do you know how to be happy? Or you are waiting for happiness to find you? Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Till today, I am still learning to be contented. I am learning to live in the present moment because the people who are the happiest with their lives are able to enjoy and embrace the present moment instead of being stuck on the past or obsessing over how the future will look like. I am learning to be grateful for what I have instead of focusing on the things that do not belong to me. I am learning to stop comparing myself to others. Stop thinking about how big my neighbour’s house is, how great my friend’s job is and how perfect my best friend’s boyfriend is. At the end of the day, I can’t change what other people are doing, and I will never get anywhere if I keep comparing myself to others. I am learning to appreciate all the little things. Be thankful for the air we breathe, the food on the table, the quiet home we live in, the sunshine that brightens up our day. Every little detail in our life counts.

Today, I am thankful and contented that I am still working in the early childhood work environment. It is okay although I am earning less than my business or economic friends. I feel grateful that my current salary is enough for me to pay my bills and eat whatever I want to eat. 

Dear friend, let’s treasure happiness together. Find a purpose in our life, simplify our life, take the time to connect with people, hang out with those who are contented with their lives, and most importantly love ourselves. Remember, true happiness does not depend on material conditions. Smile, it is free! Contentment is the key to happiness. Thank you."

Written by Tong Kitt Chan.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

I Will See To It That They Can Do It - Teacher Catharine from R.E.A.L Kids Shah Alam

A lifetime in preschool education industry would roughly sum up Teacher Catharine's experience and accomplishment in this industry. She is a proud teacher of many grown up professionals. Among whom includes a priest in his 30's who is now serving the church she attends every weekend.

Since she got married in 1996, Teacher Catharine joined CEC after she relocated to Shah Alam. She was working in Klang for 20 years prior to that. "In CEC I learned a lot from the school. Whereas before this, I learned a lot from the children. When I first started teaching in preschool, I had to come up with a lot of teaching materials from scratch. I would do some matching exercises with the kids and that's how I learned from them what is the best way for them to pick up new words. I take pleasure in simplifying lessons so kids could learn. It feels really good when they got confident with the letters and words I taught."

Some lifetime awards Teacher Catharine came were not in monetary rewards but the words of appreciation from the parents whose children she taught and guided. "I remember a Punjabi girl who was very close to me. I was very firm with the kids. To my surprise, she told her mom when she grows up, she is going to be a teacher like Teacher Catharine because teacher Catharine is a very good teacher. Another case was a lawyer's son. I attended an event where I met the parents. Both the husband and wife were very glad I taught their son. They said, 'it's only after coming into your class that my son knew what a school is.' Their son never wanted to attend school prior to attending my classes."

"What makes me different from other teachers is that I'm always into teaching and I will see to it that my children can do it. I work hard and go all out to make sure my children had good foundation in English to start formal schooling. There was a child who could not read a word at all and the parents were frustrated. They trusted me and I had to go one-to-one with the child by extending the class to 1.30pm just to help him catch up with the class. I am happy that most of our children are doing very well in schools now. Most of them are top 10 in their classes."

"Another interesting  thing about R.E.A.L Kids is that we did field trips and concerts that are educational for the children. Sports days are very important for the kids too. Occasionally we even have educational talks from the firefighters and dentist too. It makes their learning so much more fun."