Sunday, December 29, 2013

R.E.A.L Career Pathway for Early Childhood Professionals

Interested to be a Preschool Teacher BUT not sure if you are okay with just being a Preschool Teacher for good? Then you're probably at the right spot. 

Here's what we have at R.E.A.L. Kids. You may have to start off as an Assistant Teacher with or without the proper qualifications and move on as follow:

Let us know if you think the above sounds like a good career for you. 

Friday, December 27, 2013

Professional Working Mum Turned Preschool Teacher

Are you currently a high-flying career woman with young children?

Is your child growing uninterested in his preschool and started to behave emotionally remote to learning?
Have you ever cried in your car after sending your child off to school feeling a growing emotional distance with your child?

Where had the good times gone to?

Remember the time his Art Teacher came to you genuinely concerned about his life at home? Simply because of the morbid colors he used in his artwork. Only to find out that his friends took all the other colors and he was left with the morbid colors to play with.. And the moment you both laughed together with your cheeks still wet.

If only his preschool teachers were as gifted as you when it comes to communicating with your child..

That was when she decided to make a career change and took a pay cut from a handsome 5-figure to a meager 3-figure monthly paycheck.
All for the sake of her lovely boy. And the other children she could give her time and attention to. So their mummies and daddies can have some peace at work.

(Special dedication to a career mum who made a huge sacrifice to her lifestyle privileges for the benefits of her son and many other children. I'm personally impressed with her enthusiasm to create an impact and NOT a legacy. Something I could use some time to figure as I continue this journey of life.)

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hiring Mandarin Teachers for 2014 - R.E.A.L Education Group

We are currently hiring passionate Mandarin Teachers for 2014 intake.

kindly call 03-5631 8000 HR Recruitment Team should you be interested to apply .

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Invitation for Passionate Preschool Teachers

Yes we meant YOU.

You won't stumble upon this blog randomly if you don't care about children and the quality of teachers we have guiding our children.
Find out where are our centers

If you feel strongly that you fit into our teachers' profile, we would love to hear from you. Find us at

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ms Villona from REAL Kids Kajang Prima - A Great Change

Ms Villona from REAL Kids Kajang Prima during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "A Great Change".
Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. - Aristotle. 

Ms Villona shared with us the beautiful change she witnessed in a girl under her care who initially could not read and could not write. And guess what changed the little girl? And how did the little girl change?

Villona took the challenge to educate the little girl patiently when the little girl's mother expressed her disappointment with her education. Ms Villona made an effort to everyday approached the little girl, praised her, told her she's a good girl and a clever girl. Occasionally Ms Villona gave her some stickers

That later paid off when the little girl was willing to come to Ms Villona for help. Ms Villona just kept quiet and listened to her. She told Ms Villona that her grandfather was admitted to hospital and she wanted to make him happy. But she did not know how. Ms Villona suggested, "Maybe you can tell him stories or sing songs with him. Trust me, that will make him happy."

The little girl really did what Ms Villona suggested and read to his grandfather by the bed and what happened was a miracle to the family. Doctor earlier suggested that her grandfather can only live for another 1 week but he survived for another 1 month. What made the real difference was that he was actually happy till the last day he was alive.

What shocked them more was what the little girl did when they paid their last respect to her grandfather at his funeral. It was touching when the little girl sent her message to his coffin. She put a card and wrote a message that she loves him. Not only that, but she put a drawing she made, drawing her grandfather's hand holding her hand. She was not only able to read and write now but she was able to express her feelings through her drawings.

PS: This is not the little girl's drawing.

Ms Mala from Cambridge Children's House (CCH), Bandar Tun Hussein Onn - Jessy Our Family Gem

Ms Mala from CCH Bandar Tun Hussein Onn during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "Jessy Our Family Gem".
Love means never to say we are sorry.

Unconditional love never goes wrong.

If Jessy, our family dog can bring our family together, what young child under our care can do? 
The rewards will be bigger.

Ms Moganes from REAL Kids Wangsa Melawati - The 5 Real Pillars

Ms Moganes from REAL Kids Wangsa Melawati during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "The 5 Real Pillars".
It is important to undergo character building and to learn language mastery by knowing multiple languages. On top of that, it is important to equip yourself with interpersonal and effective communication skills. Not to forget to nurture your multiple intelligence (MI).

In order to have effective communication, you have to communicate in the most positive manner by using the right choice of words. Also effective communication is proven to build good relationships. 

"For you to practice effective communication, avoid the 3 C’s: Condemn Complaint and Criticize." - How to Win Friends and Influence People - Wikipedia

Ms Thilagavathy from REAL Kids Plus Cahaya - Building Self-Confidence

Ms Thilagavathy from REAL Kids Plus Cahaya during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "Building Self-Confidence".

Self confidence is about trusting one’s ability, quality and judgment.

To build self-confidence, you have to focus on your strengths. Pre-plan and practice. Be positive. Learn the system of relaxations. And know when and how to take mental breaks

Self confidence is the greatest asset a human being can have in his life.

Ms Parimala from REAL Kids Plus Shah Alam - Being A Teacher

Ms Parimala from REAL Kids Plus Shah Alam during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "Being A Teacher".
It is a joyful time to love kids

Being a teacher is not just about teaching. Sometimes you have to be a mother to show love, attention and care to make the children feel so happy to be with you and think that school is fun. It is about ensuring the parents that their children are in good hands so the parents can have peace in their workplace. 

Being a Preschool Teacher involves carrying the children, putting them in my lap, show them how to use the toilet, put on shoes and button up their shirts.

Sometimes you have to be clowns and actors in class to make them learn. How many times we had to be Minions so we can make teaching fun and understandable to them, showing them - all of them can learn in different ways. 

Sometimes you get to be an artist when you are involved in the props, charts, flash cards, and decorations for school, and even to choreograph dance steps!

Being a teacher is also about learning from the children. I never knew I had talent for the arts until I was involved in the props and school events. I learned patience, to be happy, and to have self-confidence when the parents expressed their appreciation for what I did to their children. 

Most children would forget me but I know I did something in their lives when they were small, something which will be part of them.

PS: Ms Parimala even shared with us an inspiring occasion at her REAL Kids Center on how she witnessed the change of an overactive boy when the boy learned patience from an Autistic boy. How she was touched to watch the overactive boy hold the Autistic boy's hand, helped him, being there with him, laughed with him, making jokes, etc. and how both of them changed for the better. If you are interested to learn more from Ms Parimala on this wonderful discovery, let us know and we might feature a future article on what she learned from that experience.

Ms Elizabeth Tan from REAL Kids USJ 12 - Grateful

Ms Elizabeth Tan from REAL Kids USJ 12 during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled,
When I was little, my grandparents were the ones who took care of me when my parents had to work for money. They were the ones who fed me, clothed me and bathed me. They gave me what I needed to grow up. Whatever they do, they’ll give us a part of them.

I remember the adventures we went through together. There was a time when I was in Primary School, grandfather took me to school and I woke up, “OMG why is it so dark?” Then we noticed it was only 4am and we had to wait for 2 more hours before the school gates reopen. Another time was when I was in Secondary School; that was the first day after moving school, we woke up very early and my grandfather drove me to school. After an hour, we wonder, “Why it took us so long to reach school?” That’s when we looked out and realized we were on the way to Kuala Selangor and not to school because he is illiterate and could not read the road signs. It was a long journey but luckily there was no traffic jam. That was quite an adventure! 

When I was young, they even brought me to these Hokkien Operas. The artists with heavy make-ups really scared me. But if it weren't them taking me there, I wouldn't had experienced the high-pitched singing, the sword dancing, or the heat and seeing the people holding tissues and experiencing the crowd’s constant fanning.

Every morning they would wake up really early just to go get groceries so that food will stay fresh for their grandchildren for the day. And for the next day, they will do the same thing again. Eventhough they were in the off, they would buy the best fish for their grandchildren.
Though they are no longer here with me, I am very grateful to them for giving me education and disciplining me whenever it’s needed because they gave me what I needed to grow up. 

Ms Elaine Tan from REAL Kids Bandar Putri Puchong - How To Be A Good Teacher?

Ms Elaine Tan from REAL Kids Bandar Putri Puchong during CPCD Contest 2013 on the title of "How To Be A Good Teacher?"

Enthusiasm means paying attention to what is coming, with joy
As a teacher you should come to classroom with an open heart, be enthusiastic to teach your students as though they have waited with enthusiasm for you to tell a story to them.

A story on a conversation between a CEO and a Teacher:
CEO complains about the problem of education, 
“Those who can do, do; those who can’t do, teach. We make huge profits for the companies. As teacher, what do you make?”

Teacher answers, 
“I make children sit down in the classroom for 40 minutes which the parents could not for 5 mins. I make children wonder, question, apologize and greet, respect, write and read. And I also make the classroom a safe place for children. What everyone makes is money but what I make is a difference.”

Ms Julaila Osman from REAL Kids TTDI - The Journey of Teaching

Ms Julaila from REAL Kids TTDI during CPCD Contest 2013 on the speech titled, "The Journey of Teaching".
The seed transformation I plant will yield a bountiful harvest. And this is what motivates me to stay in this field.
Why do you teach? 
Because I want to learn the lesson the children are here to teach me. We laugh out loud, we play hard. To cry, but not too long. I want to learn from the children to pick myself up, brush myself off and get right back into the game. I want to learn the lesson to eat only when I’m hungry, to take a nap when I am tired. To drink plenty of water.

How did it begin?
I came to be a teacher not by choice but by circumstances. I did not choose to be a teacher, the profession chose me; because of gender, family history and education. My journey as a teacher began In 1997 when I became interested in my children’s education. That’s when I resigned from my Post Office job and took RM300 per month to join my son’s preschool as a Teacher!

"When I started teaching, I asked myself what words I can use to encourage the children, what can I do to help all the children to make a loving and extraordinary day. I hope I can help each child to become his or her most excellent person."

What do you believe in?
I strongly believe that children are children, and I am the champion of their rights to have the experience of childhood. We must make sure they have good education and solid foundation for their future. We should allow the kids to express their creative geniuses because I believe each person is born with talent.

Is it easy to be a teacher?
Being a teacher is not easy. Sometimes we got to be monkey, tiger or mouse just so children can be happy to learn and grow. Most people do not know how hard you worked before each class. We made a fool of ourselves and many a day was unappreciated.

How do you teach?
When I teach, I will tell the children about myself. I allowed them not to just know me as their teacher but as a person.  My students can talk about anything with me.
Children love to be teachers. I’ll gather them in a circle so they can address their classmates and not direct their comments exclusively to the teacher. And when we form a circle, they can look around and speak to everyone.

Ms Selvi from REAL Kids Kampung Tunku - The Soup of Love

Ms Selvi from REAL Kids Kampung Tunku during CPCD Contest 2013 on her speech titled, "The Soup of Love".

"As we go along this journey, chasing progress, chasing fame, chasing success; we tend to forget the essential things in life, such as an act or word of kindness. An acknowledgment, a smile, a gesture. Remember the occasion, a phone call to an ex-colleague or to a long-lost friend, a kind word, involve in a charity drive, visit a friend who is sick or a relative in a hospital, offer cash-in-kind, visit the old-folks home, the orphanage, and even an animal shelter. You may not know this but I believe these blessings will take you till eternity."

Spices are for love, carrots are for kindness, tomatoes are for caring, chippies are for sharing, celery for compassion, and potatoes for generosity. - The Soup of Love.